
Friday, April 12, 2013

Mam Chung (Vietnamese Meatloaf)...

Mam Chung (Vietnamese Meatloaf)...
I was visiting my parents in law one day when my mother in law taught me this recipe. She told me if I ever need to learn anything, just ask her. She's very sweet! Before heading home, she gave me the small purple onions and ground white pepper. For the rest of ingredients, I went to buy at the supermarket.
4 lbs of ground pork
2 jar of "mam loc xay (snakehead fish sauce)"
12 eggs (save 3 egg yolks for the top layer)
green onions (minced)
2 tbsp ground white pepper
5 small purple onions (minced)
5 small red peppers (cut in half each)
Turn on high heat for the steamer to start before starting the preparation.
Use a large mixing bowl. Add pork, fish sauce, 12 eggs, white pepper, and purple onion. MIX WELL. On the other hand, save 3 egg yolks in a small bowl, add green onions, and stir well.
Pour the mixture into a baking dish. Leave about an inch on the top as the mixture will rise when cooked.
Check to see if the meatloaf is cooked in about 25 to 30 min.

Use a toothpick to test if the meat is cooked. If it is dry, the mixture is about to be ready. Then, with a spoon, smear the yolk w/green onions on top of the mixture. Decorate the top w/a couple of pieces of red pepper on top. Cook for another 5-10 minutes with the lid off or when the yolk looks cooked.
This is how my "Mam Chung" came out!


Canh Kho Qua (Bitter Melon Soup)...

Canh Kho Qua (Bitter Melon Soup)...

I did not know how to eat this soup when I was younger because it was so bitter. It was until high school, that I tried to eat it again and started to appreciate the bitter taste. I have asked my mother and mother in law to show me a little bit in how to prepare this. Of course, I also like to research online for other ideas and here I found this link that matches exactly what my mothers taught me:

It's easier for me to just copy the link here for you to follow then creating my own when it's the same. Here is how my "Bitter Melon Soup" looks like!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Trung Chien Voi Ca Chua va Hanh (Fried Eggs w/Tomatoes & Onions)...

Trung Chien Voi Ca Chua va Hanh (Fried Eggs w/Tomatoes & Onions)...

This is very quick and easy to make when I don't have time to cook a big meal for the family. I learned to make this from my aunt in Vietnam who came to visit recently.

9 eggs
7 green onions, minced
1/2 white onion (small pieces)
4 tomatoes (small pieces)
4 tbsp fish sauce
1/2 tspn black pepper
1 tbspn oil

In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs, onions, tomatoes, fish sauce, and pepper together until well blended.

Using a pan w/medium-low heat until hot; put in oil. Then, pour in egg mixture. Reduce heat. As mixture begins to set on bottom and sides of pan, lift and fold over with a spatula. Cook until the eggs are almost set.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vietnamese Honeycomb Cake (Banh Bo Nuong)...

Honeycomb Cake (Banh Bo Nuong)...

I have heard from many people that this dessert is very difficult to make. Of course, before I started baking this, I was really nervous but yes very excited to try something new. I learned this recipe from this link:

It was very simple to follow. I tried my first one last night and this is how it looked like... The only thing I saw not satisfactory was that my cake didn't turn out green. I guess I didn't put in food color or the pandan extract was not enough.

So today, my kids asked me if I can bake another one. I tried one more time, now with adding green food coloring, and this is how it looks like:

Very tasty and yummy! I would recommend this link. It feels great that I didn't fail on my 1st try baking this due to the recipe I learned from this website. Overall, one idea I really like from learning this recipe is the part of flipping the baking pan upside down on a metal rack to help it from deflating.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Suon Xao Chua Ngot (Sweet and Sour Pork Spare Ribs)...

Suon Xao Chua Ngot (Sweet and Sour Pork Spare Ribs)...

This recipe came from my mom. I was able to finish cooking today before working out at the gym. I feel very relieved to have everything done at home today before "FIT & Soul Grooves" class. :)

3 lb pork spare ribs bone in (cut into 1.5 in pieces)
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 white onion (wedges)
4 tbsp fish sauce
4 tbsp white vinegar
4 tbsp sugar
cornstarch mix (1 tspn cornstarch w/.5 cup water, stir into slurry)
1 red pepper, minced
2 tbspn oil
Black Pepper
2 tbsp caramel sauce


1.) Heat up a pot of water with high heat. Add the spare ribs in. Wait until boiled. Drain with a colander, and rinse. This is to clean the meat first before cooking and also tenderizing it.

2.) Marinade the ribs with 1tbsp fish sauce, a little garlic, some onions, and black pepper.

3.) Heat up a pan with med to high heat. Add in oil. Then, add in the onions and garlic. Stir fry until fragrant. Now, add in the pork ribs. Drizzle the caramel sauce in. Stir fry until golden brown. Add in the remaining fish sauce, white vinegar, sugar, and red pepper. Then, add in the corn starch mix. Adjust more fish sauce, vinegar, or sugar according to preference.


Canh Cai Chua Suon Non (Pickled Mustard Green w/Pork Spare Ribs Soup)...

Canh Cai Chua Suon Non (Pickled Mustard Green w/Pork Spare Ribs Soup)...

My mother taught me this recipe. Today was my 1st time learning how to chop spare ribs. I actually made a comfortable spot on the floor of the kitchen and chopped right there.

4 quarts of water
2 tbsp chicken granulated powder
1 lb pork spare ribs cut in 1 in pieces
1 container of pickled mustard greens (already made from store; sliced in thin long pieces)
4 tomatoes (cut in wedges)
Black Pepper
1 tbsp of oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 white onion, minced
1 red pepper, minced


1.) Heat up a pot of water (6 cups) with high heat. Add in the pork ribs. Bring to a boil. Drain in a colander, and rinse. Marinade with a sprinkle of salt and black pepper.

2.) If you use the same pot, then clean it well and reuse. If not, use another pot. Fill with water and put on high heat. Add in chicken powder and then the pork ribs. Once it starts boiling, lower the heat down to med to soften the meat.

3.) While waiting for the meat to soften, stir fry the pickled mustard greens. Heat up a pan with med to high heat. Put in oil, and then add garlic and then onions. Stir fry for a minute till golden brown. Then, add in the pickled mustard greens. Stir fry for 3 min. Then, add to the pot of soup.



4.) Now, add the tomatoes. Skim off any excess. Lower the heat down to low and simmer for 10 to 15 min till ribs are softened.



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Canh Cai va Gung (Cabbage & Ginger Soup)...

Canh Cai va Gung (Cabbage & Ginger Soup)...

This soup is very easy to make. I learned this from my father. He use to cook this often for us when I was younger.

3 quarts of water
2 tbsp chicken granulated powder
1 piece of ginger (peeled, sliced in long thin strips)
1 cabbage (slice into small pieces)

Heat the pot of water from med to high until boil. Add in the chicken powder. Then, put in the ginger and cabbage. Lower the heat down to med. The soup will be done after cooked and softened.

Caramelized Fish w/Tamarind Sauce (Ca Kho Me)...

Caramelized Fish w/Tamarind Sauce (Ca Kho Me)...

Today my husband crave for this dish. He taught me this recipe. It's a little similar to "Ca Kho To" but more watery.

  • Catfish - 4 to 5 one inch pieces
  • Fish sauce - 4 tbsp
  • Green Onions minced - 5
  • Caramel sauce - 3 tbsp
  • Red peppers minced - 2
  • Water (2 cups)
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Tamarind Powder - 1/3 small bag


  1. Turn your heat on from med to high. Add in the water, fish sauce, onions, red peppers, powder, and sugar. Wait till it boils.
  2. Then, add the fish in (do not flip over the fish). Add the caramel sauce. Just use a spoon to scoop the sauce and drizzle over the fish when needed to marinade the fish.
  3. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Adjust seasoning to taste according to your preference with fish sauce, tamarind powder, and sugar.

Stir Fried Shrimp w/Purple Eggplant & Carrots..

Stir Fried Shrimp w/Purple Eggplant & Carrots..
This is a dish I made up by myself. I didn't have time to grocery shop that one day and didn't research for any recipe. I just made what I had from the kitchen.
2 large Purple Eggplants (sliced in small rectangles)
5 long Carrots (Chopped in slanted circles)
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 lb shrimp (peeled and divined)
Heat up a pan med to high. Add in 1 tbsp oil, then 1/2 the garlic. Wait until golden brown. Then, stir fry the shrimp. Once it's cooked, put it aside onto a plate. Now, use the leftover oil and garlic, and stir fry the vegetables. Once the carrots and eggplants soften, add in the shrimp. Add oyster sauce and let it simmer for a couple of minutes.


Fettucine Alfredo w/Chicken & Shrimp and Vegetables...

Fettucine Alfredo w/Chicken & Shrimp and Vegetables...
For this dish, I didn't do the sauce from scratch. I just went to Target and bought the "light Alfredo sauce" to make it faster for me since it was getting late and I wanted to finish cooking before the family gets home from work. I eat somewhat healthy so if I ever shop for any ingredients, I'll try to buy low fat or light if possible. You can use whichever you prefer. I asked many people how they made this dish so the ideas came from them.
2 lbs Chicken Breast chopped into cubes
2 lbs Shrimp peeled and devined
2 Florets of Broccolli
5 Long Carrots (chopped in slanted circles)
Olive Oil
5 Cloves of Garlic, minced
1/3 Stick of Butter
2 Box of Fettucine
3 jars of Alfredo sauce
1.) Heat up a pot of water. When boiling, drizzle a little bit of oil and salt in. Add in the fettucine. After 5 to 10 min, test the noodles by using your fingernail to see if you can break it to determine if cooked.  Taste to see if that's the texture you would like from the pasta. Drain in a colander.
2.) Heat a pan med to high. Melt 1/2 stick of butter and add garlic. Until golden brown, add in the chicken and shrimp. After cooked, put it to the side in a plate.
3.) Do the same method again with the vegetables.
4.) Pour the Alfredo sauce into the pan and heat it up med to high. Mix in the vegetables, chicken, and shrimp.
From what I heard, some people mix in the fettucine too. However, my family prefers to only add them together when we decide to eat so my sauce and fettucine are separate.

Stir Fried Squids w/Pineapple, Onions, and Cilantro (Muc Xao Khom, Hanh Tay, va Ngo)...

Stir Fried Squids w/Pineapple, Onions, and Cilantro (Muc Xao Khom, Hanh Tay, va Ngo)...
I made this last night with my mom. For the first time, I learned how to clean the squids. Thanks to the education from my mommy. She taught me to slice a side of the squid and pull out the insides that included the ink. Then, to cut the head part by keeping the tentacles and discarding the eyes and below. We rubbed a little bit of salt on the squids to clean it and rinsed it with water. Then, we boiled a pot of water and put the squids in there for around 20 sec to clean it even more.
2 tbsp oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 white onion, cut into wedges
2 lbs squids
1 large can of Dole pineapple chunks (or fresh if desired)
1 bunch of cilantro
4 tbsp fish sauce
1 tspn sugar